Utilize the RGB LED to made it shift colours
RGB LED (x1)
resistor (x1)
wires (x3)
Program Details:
i used the one off newinnovators.ca
Time to Program and Complete:
3 minutes
Photo/Video Proof:

const int RED_LED_PIN = 9;
//sets a constant value for RED_LED_PIN
const int GREEN_LED_PIN = 10;
//sets a constant value for GREEN_LED_PIN
const int BLUE_LED_PIN = 11;
//sets a constant value for BLUE_LED_PIN
int redIntensity = 0;
//sets value for redIntensity
int greenIntensity = 0;
//sets value for redIntensity
int blueIntensity = 0;
//sets value for redIntensity
const int DISPLAY_TIME =
//sets constant value for DISPLAY_TIME
void setup()
void loop()
//declares action
//start of loop
for (greenIntensity = 0; greenIntensity <= 255; greenIntensity+=5)
//if conditions met continue code
//loop inside of loop
redIntensity = 255-greenIntensity;
//sets new value for redIntensity
analogWrite(GREEN_LED_PIN, greenIntensity);
//turns on GREEN_LED_PIN to value greenIntensity
analogWrite(RED_LED_PIN, redIntensity);
//turns on RED_LED_PIN to value of redIntensity
//delay time for value for DISPLAY_TIME
// end loop
for (blueIntensity = 0; blueIntensity <= 255; blueIntensity+=5)
//if conditions met continue code
//loop inside of loop
greenIntensity = 255-blueIntensity;
//sets new value for greenIntensity
analogWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, blueIntensity);
//turns on BLUE_PIN to value bluensity
analogWrite(GREEN_LED_PIN, greenIntensity);
//turns on GREEN_LED_PIN to value greenIntensity
//delay time for value for DISPLAY_TIME
//end of loop
for (redIntensity = 0; redIntensity <= 255; redIntensity+=5)
//if conditions met continue code
//loop inside of loop
blueIntensity = 255-redIntensity;
//sets new value for blueIntensity
analogWrite(RED_LED_PIN, redIntensity);
//turns on RED_PIN to value redIntensity
analogWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, blueIntensity);
//turns on BLUE_PIN to value blueIntensity
//delay time for value for DISPLAY_TIME
//end of loop
//end of loop
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